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an outing play date.

Earlier this week Henry and I headed out to H Mart with Ginnie and Auden. Ginnie is Korean and makes a ton of Korean dishes each month, so Henry and I ventured out to the Asian market they go to each month and decided to do a little shopping ourselves. I've been wanting to experiment with making my own california rolls, so wish me luck as I experiment later this month.

The best part of the trip was running errands with a friend (why don't we do this more often?!) and seeing these two sleep side by side and both be entertained by plastic spoons (thanks Chik fil a!).

Ohh and the next best part of the trip? Chik fil a for lunch. I would make that trip each month if just for the number 5 eight piece :)

1 comment:

  1. It was SUCH a fun trip!!! We should make this a regular thing.... Chik Fil A is calling our names....
    Thanks for joining us!


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