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to gigi and grandpas house we go

I'm having vacation withdrawals. Loving hands reaching out to hold Henry after he's done eating, nursing with my sister while watching some tv, going on evening strolls with my parents or with my matching stroller buddy… and don't get me started on the soft (and even) carpet, big windows, dvr to watch at 4 am…

Needless to say, vacations at my parent's are the best. The worst thing though was that Ryan couldn't join us. I'm pretty sure I'd be there all summer long if Ryan joined us every other weekend of something… (note for the future…)

I have lots of pictures to edit, but I'll leave you with this one. I took a few pictures of Henry with my parents, but this was from our first night there. Seeing Henry with my parents was so fun and I'm so excited to watch him see all the love that surrounds him as he becomes more and more aware of his environment.

1 comment:

  1. awww what a sweet pic of henny hen! i just love him. and you. post more pics! i will too, i promise.


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