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Our weekend

1. Why was it cold enough this afternoon to wear a coat outside? It was warm and sunny in the morning and then all of a sudden there was this winter draft and drizzle for a couple of hours! What's going on here?

2. I love Farmer's Markets. We went to Provo's this morning. It's on 5thW and 1stS. Check it out. It was like a little cultural arts/veggies fair this morning with everything from belgium waffles and hungarian food to beaded necklaces little girl's tutus. And of course some veggies. I really wanted to buy a plant of basil so we can have our own fresh herbs, but they need full sunlight and due to the massive tree invading our balcony, we don't get very much sunlight at all. But our neighbors do, so we'll see what we can do...

3. Last night was our date night and we went to an Alfred Hitchcock night at BYU's Varsity Theatre. We saw both To Catch a Theif and North by Northwest with some great movie popcorn, for 3 buck a ticket. Not bad for 4 bags of popcorn and 4 1/2 hours of movie watching! There was a little sleuthing contest during intermission, and I made Ryan go on stage, but he missed the second question. Who knew Cary Grant was married a billion times?? Then the finalists had to act out To Catch A Theif and the girl I wanted to win didn't. The girl who won only won cause her date yelled the loudest. And they didn't even stay for the next movie. Lame.

p.s. I don't like when people talk during movies. And make loud comments making fun of it.
Just cause it's at the varsity theater don't mean you can talk all you want to impress your date..

4. I made a killer meal yesterday. Check it out on my new food blog "Eating with the Mangums"
Love, Emily

1 comment:

  1. bah ok i like your last twitter....but aside from shoulda won, i wasnt there but i know this :)


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