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an adventure in slc

A few weeks ago we were invited to go see Savior of the World, a musical drama the Church has put on since 2001 about the Savior's birth/resurrection. The play was pretty good, but I was a little disappointed. Maybe I just had my hopes up. I was, however, totally impressed with the stage. It was simple, but the floor went up and down and was super-cool, I thought.

On a side note though, I was totally late. I had to drive up separately since I was interning earlier in the day, and didn't leave Lehi until 6:50. Then went south on 1-15 instead of north (since that's how I always get home) and then had to take 215 to get downtown since the exit downtown was closed. So bad. I didn't get there until 30 minutes after the play had started. Fortunately, Jesus still hadn't been born yet, so I don't feel like I missed too much :)

We saw the play with the Harlos' and I made sure to take some pictures afterwards. I haven't taken that many lately, which is definitely not me, so I'm makin sure to make a comeback.


  1. Yay for a comeback of pictures!

  2. we saw that last year. the floor is pretty cool. I can't remember the details, but I think it was pretty good! interesting how we never saw Christ's face...though it's policy :)

  3. way to show up just in time for the juicy stuff.


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